


sxm-discord is a 100% unofficial project and you use it at your own risk. It is designed to be used for personal use with a small number of users listening to it at once. Similar to playing music over a speakers from the radio directly. Using sxm-discord in any corporate setting, to attempt to priate music, or to try to make a profit off your subscription may result in you getting in legal trouble.


If you perfer to use sxm-discord via a Docker container, check out sxm-docker. It comes with sxm-discord preinstalled.

Command Line Interface

sxm-discord is a Player Class for sxm-player. Please be sure to fimilarize yourself with the CLI interface for that project first.

Basic Bot

Command to start the bot

$ sxm-player sxm_discord.DiscordPlayer --token discord_bot_token

By default, the bot uses the slash command /music, if you would like that to be something different, you can. This will use the slash command /stuff.

$ sxm-player sxm_discord.DiscordPlayer --root_command stuff

Discord Commands

This assumes you have not changed the bot prefix with the –root_command option. Otherwise your bot commands will be a little different.


Call the bot to the current voice channel. This will move the bot without stopping the tunes.

$ /music summon

Stops all music playback and kicks bot of out voice channel.

$ /music stop

Resets the bot if it gets stuck in a voice channel. If playing music, also stops.

$ /music reset

Retrieves what the bot is currently playing.

$ /music playing

Prints a list of the most recent songs played. Defaults to top 3, can display up to 10.

$ /music recent       # displays top 3 songs/shows
$ /music recent 1     # displaying the most recent song/show

SXM Commands

PMs the user a full list of all avaiable SXM channels

$ /music sxm channels

Starts playing a SXM channel. <channel_id> can be the channel ID, the channel name or the station number that you see in your car or on the Web player.

$ /music sxm channel <channel_id>
$ /music sxm channel octane       # will play #37 Octane
$ /music sxm channel 37           # will play #37 Octane

Archive Playback Commands

All of these commands require archiving to be enabled (-o argument from command line).

Search archive for avaible songs. <search> string matches again song title or artist name. Returns only the 10 most recent matches.

$ /music sxm songs <search>

Search archive for avaible shows. <search> string matches again title of episode or the title of the show. Returns only the 10 most recent matches.

$ /music sxm shows <search>

Adds a song to the now playing play queue. <guid> must be the one returned from songs command.

$ /music sxm song <guid>

Adds a show to the now playing play queue. <guid> must be the one returned from shows command.

$ /music sxm show <guid>

Skips the current playing song/show. If it is the last one, it will effectivly calling the stop command.

$ /music sxm skip

Display all of the songs/shows in the now playing queue

$ /music sxm upcoming

Creates a random infinite playlist of archived songs from a list of channels. <channel_id> is a comma delimited list of channel IDs or the station number. By default, there must be at least 40 unique songs for that station for the bot to consider it. You can add an optional arg to override that limit.

$ /music sxm playlist <channel_ids> [threshold]
$ /music sxm playlist octane      # threshold=40, playlist from #37 Octane
$ /music sxm playlist 37,41       # threshold=40, playlist from #37 and #41
$ /music sxm playlist 37 20       # threshold=20, playlist from #37 Octane