

Since this is an audio playing Discord bot, there are obviously some non-python requirements.

  • Python 3.6 +. This is avaible on Windows easily and it is also avaible on Mac via Homebrew. Also most Linux distros now either ship with 3.6 or have an easy way to get it, like SCL for RedHat based distros.

  • A SXM account with access to online streaming (not just a car radio account)

  • A Discord server with a Bot Application set up on it. You will need the “Bot Token”

  • ffmpeg for actually decoding and playing the HLS streams from SXM

  • As a requirement from the Python Discord library: libffi, libnacl, python3-dev

Stable release

To install sxm-discord, run this command in your terminal:

$ pip install sxm-discord

This is the preferred method to install sxm-discord, as it will always install the most recent stable release.

If you don’t have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.

From sources

The sources for sxm-discord can be downloaded from the Github repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://

Or download the tarball:

$ curl  -OL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

$ python install